• Blog,  Free Patterns

    Little Ghosts Free Washcloth Pattern

    Perhaps in part because I got really into the show Ghosts this year (it started with the US version then I discovered I could watch the UK version on CBC Gem), I got some fall/spooky season/Halloween inspo for a washcloth to add to my collection of Halloween washcloths (Broomsticks, Pumpkin Patch, and Candy Corn). While I’ve had various ideas come to me since I last posted many, many months ago, the timing worked out this time for me to act on the inspiration to pick up my needles and make this washcloth, and then to do the equally time consuming part of writing everything up and posting! I hope you…

  • Blog,  Free Patterns

    Tools Washcloth Pattern

    This third pattern for my December-release washcloths was a specific request by my friend for her husband. And I think it might be my favourite from this “collection” (including the F1 Racecar washcloth & Running Shoe Washcloth). The washcloth includes a measuring tape, hammer, and screwdriver. When I finished it I sent my friend a message that said “I feel like this is a weird thing to say, but that hammer turned out really cute!” Really, who ever heard of a cute hammer? Scroll down for the FREE pattern, or get the printable PDF for $2. This washcloth is definitely reversible and unlike the other 2 washcloths in the collection,…

  • Blog,  Free Patterns

    F1 Racecar Washcloth

    Another of the knit washcloths I designed for my friend for Christmas is an F1 racecar. This turned out to be one of the more challenging designs I’ve done because the size of knit stitches in dishcloth cotton is rather large, and current F1 cars are highly detailed and refined. This particular car is my rough depiction of the 2019 Ferrari F1, but when I asked my friend who works for Ferrari if he knew what it was, he did say it was a Ferrari…just a much older version than the one I was aiming for… I actually originally abandoned this design because the shape seemed incompatible with a knit…

  • Blog,  Free Patterns

    Running Shoe Washcloth Pattern

    It is a great honor when someone loves the things you knit. And my friend and her husband are probably the biggest fans of my washcloths that I have. So for Christmas I came up with 3 new designs, specifically for him! Obviously these could be enjoyed by anyone of course, they just happen to be his interests! This pattern has one running shoe, slightly inspired by a free t-shirt I received for volunteering (with work) at a water station at one of the Stampede related runs that occur in Calgary every year. The colour even ended up being pretty much the same as that shirt. While like most of…

  • Blog,  Patterns

    Opposition Socks

    Inspiration for this pattern came from two places. First of all, I loved the effect of the traveling stitches that I learned while making my Autumn League Pullover from Two of Wands. Not having to use a cable needle for the effect achieved was fantastic! And I started thinking of all sorts of ways it could be used. From these ways I had thought of, the first use I wanted to put into yarn was arrows. The second inspiration came from one of the other hobbies in my life – dance. Dancers are constantly flowing through varied positions with various bases of support and changing centres of gravity. In order…

  • Blog,  Free Patterns

    Tree-rrific Christmas Stocking

    Scroll down for the FREE pattern, or get the inexpensive ad-free PDF in my shop! I’d had a vague idea for a stocking for a few months, but wasn’t sure I would get to it this year. Then last month when I was visiting my best friend we were talking about stockings with her husband, and how their about-to-be-born baby didn’t have one yet. Both of them have stockings that were made for them and I offered to make one for the new baby! The dad-to-be requested that it be green, which immediately put a variation on this design in my head. That one didn’t quite work out, but it…

  • Blog,  Pattern Testing

    Pattern Testing the SilverBell Sweater

    Many of you know I have been on a yarn fast for a number of months. As a result that kind of limits the amount of testing I can sign up for. But I was very, very lucky to be given this Winter Nights yarn so I could sign up to test Chantal’s SilverBell Sweater. Because if I was going to make this sweater, I wanted mine to be sparkly too! It was so nice to have the yarn ready to go when the pattern arrived, it feels like that hasn’t happened for quite awhile! Working on this sweater became really addicting. In less than a week I was pretty…

  • Blog,  Pattern Testing

    Pattern Testing the Orchard Spice Socks

    It is a huge honour to be asked to test someone’s pattern. It’s actually how I started my pattern testing career. Most of the time since then though, I’ve applied to test a pattern. It was a thrill though to get a message from Manda of Little Bitty Delights asking if I’d test one of her upcoming sock patterns! For no real reason aside from the tentative release date, I chose the Orchard Spice Socks. Since I had started my “yarn fast” this meant I needed to find something I already had…which despite the size of my stash, wasn’t quite that easy. So I crossed my fingers that the last…