Pattern Review: Prongs Socks

I bought the pattern for these socks from Nicole of Woolfield Studio a looooong time ago. Since I often was testing other socks since I bought it, I only got to it this summer during the WF Summer Sock KAL. The other reason I hadn’t made them was because I was waiting on was the perfect yarn. Because of the Harry Potter inspiration on the name, I felt the need for my yarn to have a connection as well. And while I am not a Gryffindor, this name is. After many months of thinking about it I decided that a solid colour would best show of the cables, and that a scarlet red would be perfect. So finding this yarn became the mission for the OML Yarn Crawl. Of course with Stash being the first stop, their excellent selection meant that it was a pretty short search. And getting a little discount meant it was the perfect time to splurge on some MCN (merino, cashmere, nylon) from Yarn On the House (YOTH yarns).

In the past I’ve sometimes avoided the stag horn cable. For some reason I don’t always love this cable when done with bulky or super bulky yarn. But this cable becomes a different, very beautiful, animal (haha) in sock yarn.

Even though this was Nicole’s first sock pattern, it is just as easy to follow as all her subsequent sock patterns! And the cable pattern is really easy to memorize so it became a surprisingly fast and easy knit, even though I’ve found cabling to slow me down in the past.

I’ll be wearing these guys around the house this fall and will let you know my thoughts on MCN, it’s the first time I’ve made socks out of something other than the typical sock blends of 80/20 or 75/25 superwash merino/nylon.